Men Horrified by Women-Only 'Wonder Woman' Screening Play Video

Wonder Woman

The offense was just too much for some to bear.

It's time to pour one out for the countless male tears that are being shed in Austin, Texas over a grave injustice some men feel is being committed against the fragile male species. A movie theater in Austin is daring to host — gasp — a women-only screening of Wonder Woman.

This potential threat to world order is tremendous and truly terrifying for some men in Texas (or at least, trolls on Facebook) who are absolutely aghast that the Alamo Drafthouse theater is trying to celebrate the biggest female icon in the comic book world. Where will we be able to watch the movie? the men sob. At the same exact theater, which is also, of course, showing regular screenings as well. But will we ever get our own, male comic book superhero? the men despair. Yeah, try almost every other superhero ever.

In reality, the reactions are much more predictable.

The Drafthouse event invitation reads: "Apologies, gentlemen, but we’re embracing our girl power and saying 'No Guys Allowed' for one special night at the Alamo Ritz. And when we say 'People Who Identify As Women Only,' we mean it. Everyone working at this screening — venue staff, projectionist, and culinary team — will be female."

"I hope someone sues this is discrimination based on sex," remarked one man on Twitter. "Great, let us know when you have guys-only screenings of Thor, Spider-Man, Star Wars, etc. Let's see you walk the walk now that you set this precedence," said a Facebook commentator, who meant to say precedent.

The Drafthouse is replying to many of the complaints. When one man asked if they had ever held a men-only screening, the Drafthouse said, "We've never done showings where you had to be a man to get in, but we *did* show the 'Entourage' movie a few years ago." They also encouraged someone else to host a private men-only event if they so desired.

There were also some men who voiced their support of the event. "This is a great idea and I will see it another time!" said one commenter. "Wow, that was easier than deciding to feel persecuted!"

The theater company has already sold out of both women-only screenings and told Mashable it is planning to bring the idea to other locations. "That providing an experience where women truly reign supreme has incurred the wrath of trolls only serves to deepen our belief that we're doing something right," creative manager Morgan Hendrix told the publication. "As a result, we will be expanding this program across the country and inviting women everywhere to join us as we celebrate this iconic superheroine in our theaters."

As Gizmodo's Beth Elderkin points out, "Since 1920, there have been about 130 superhero and comic book films with solo protagonists in the United States, both on the big and small screens." She adds, "Do you know how many of those 130 films had female leads? Eight."

But yeah, the real issue is whether men are getting their due.


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